



篇1:第二单元第一课时 学案设计(人教版英语九年级)

Unit 2 I used to be afraid of the dark.

Section A (1a-2c)

PartⅠ Analysis of the Teaching Material

Ⅰ.Status and Function

You know, people sure change when they grow. Our students should realize and deal with their changes correctly. Unit2 is to talk about how we have changed.

This lesson is the first period of Unit2. All the activities in this Unit are carried around this topic. So this period is very important. If the students can learn this lesson well, it will be helpful to make the students learn the rest of this unit. It can practice Ss’ listening, speaking, reading and writing.

Such a topic about what Ss used to be like is related to their daily life. So it is useful.

The first period serves as an introduction and lead-in part.. Activity 1a introduces lots of words describing people’s appearance and personality. Activities 1b, 2a and 2b gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation. Activities 1c and 2c provides oral practice using the target language. Students are fond of such activities. So they are helpful to improve students spoken English.

Teaching and learning goals

Language goals

1. Words & expressions.

used to,be interested in

2. Key sentences

Mario, you used to be short, didn’t you? Yes I did.

Did you use to play the piano? No, I didn’t

Ability goals

Most students can talk about the changes of theirs and other people’s appearances and personalities with “used to be”.

Emotion & attitude goals

Most students can deal with changes correctly. And at the same time care about others’ changes, thus to build up good relationship between people.

Strategy goals

Most students can describe appearances and personalities by comparing.

Teaching important points

More than 90% know the structure “used to ”and its negative and interrogative forms.

Teaching aid

A multimedia courseware is needed. In fact, students are still very young, and are interested in pictures and funny things. So the courseware can both help me and them.

PartⅡ Analysis of the Teaching Methods

In this lesson I’ll mainly use “Task-based” teaching method. That is to say, I’ll let Ss Know what we will learn in this lesson. And master the target language step by step.

“ Learning by using, learning for using.” I will also use Situational Approach Method.

Communicative Approach Method will be used.

Some traditional methods will also be used.

PartⅢ Analysis of the Learning Strategies



The students who sit at the same desk and group can make a conversation and learn from each other. It makes each student feel relaxed. They needn’t worry about making mistakes.

PartⅣ Teaching Procedures

Step I Lead-in

Hi, everyone. Today we’re going to study Unit 2. Its title is I used to be afraid of the dark. In the title we find a phrase “used to ”. What does it mean? How is it used in English?

The usage of “used to”

“used to+positive Verb”expresses people often did sth. In the past, but don’t do that now anymore. e.g..

I used to go to work by bus. Now I take a taxi.

She used to be very shy.

“be used to doing”expresses people foster a habit to do sth. e.g.

I used to get up late, but now I am used to getting up early and going to bed early.

He is used to being praised by others.

So the sentence “I used to be afraid of the dark.” means in Chinese: 我过去常害怕黑暗。

Purpose of my designing: Let Ss know directly the target language of this lesson and what they going to do.

Step II 1a Filling in the chart

First let’s talk about something about people’s appearance and personality Next we are going to fill in the chart below with words to tell about people’s appearance and personality.

Appearance Personality

tall outgoing

straight hair funny

beautiful angry

black careful

dirty happy

hungry hard-working

sad strange

tired noisy

Now we are going to make sentences to tell about people’s appearances and personalities with the words in the chart.

Purpose of my designing: This activity is used as the beginning of the new lesson and also as the review of description words about people’s appearance and personality in Grade 8.

StepⅢ1b Listening and writing

Next you are going to listen to a conversation. In the conversation you will find that Bob is seeing some friends for the first time in four years. Listen and fill in the chart on page 10 with words telling about friends’ appearances and personalities. While listening, pay attention to the form of the sentences.

Purpose of my designing: The activity gives Ss practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.

StepⅣ 1c Doing pairwork

Look at the picture on page 10 and make more conversations.

A: Mario used to be tall.

B: Yes, he did. Now he’s tall.

Purpose of my designing: This activity provides oral practice using the target language.

StepⅤ2a Listening and checking

Next turn to page 11 and we are going to listen to a tape and check the words we hear.

Purpose of my designing: This activity provides listening practice using the target language.

StepⅥ2b Listening and filling in the blanks

On page 11, listen for information to be filled in the blanks. Remember to pay attention to the form of the language while listening.

Do pay attention to the form of the language while listening.

Purpose of my designing: This activity gives Ss practice understanding the target language in spoken conversation.

StepⅦ2c Doing pairwork

Practice the conversation in activity 2b on page 11. Then make conversations about yourselves.

Purpose of my designing: This activity provides oral practice using the target language.

StepⅧMaking a summary

You used to be short.

I used to be really quiet.

She used to have long hair.

He used to wear glasses.

used to + positive verb

“used to+positive Verb”expresses people often did sth. In the past, but don’t do that now anymore.

Purpose of my designing: This activity gives Ss a clear outline of this lesson.

StepⅨ.Consolidation(if possible)

Translate the following sentences.







Purpose of my designing: This translation can help me and Ss check how well Ss master the target language.


Students try to make a survey: Who has changed most?

Elements Past Now






Purpose of my designing: Homework is also important for Ss to practice English after class. At home they can have more time to list their changes between now and the past in many aspects. They can learn more after class, not in class. In this point, homework is the stretch of the class.

StepⅩ Blackboard Design

Unit 2 I used to be afraid of the dark.

Section A (1a-2c)

Words & expressions.

used to

be interested in Key sentences

Mario, you used to be short, didn’t you? Yes I did.

Did you use to play the piano? No, I didn’t

Purpose of my designing: Write the key words on the left in order to get the students to memorize them. Put the target language on the right in order to tell the students that this is the importance in this lesson. The blackboard design is also very important. In my opinion, the blackboard design can reflect the lesson and let the students master the lesson easily.

篇2:新目标八年级英语下册第二单元教学设计 (人教版英语八年级)

Teaching aims of unit 2

Ⅰ.Teaching article:(教学课题)

Unit 2 What should I do?

II.Teaching aims and demands(教学目的和要求):

1.Knowledge Objects

Talk about problems and give advice

2. Process and method

By listening、speaking、reading、and writing.

3. Emotion and attitude

Learn to list problems and give advice and help others..

III. Teaching importance (教学重点)

Talk about problems and give advice

IV.Teaching diffculty(教学难点):

How to give advice

V. Teaching ways(教学方法):

Revision, learning, practice and reading.

V.Teaching tools(教学工具):

Tape-recorder and Lattern.

VI.Teaching time(教学时间): 八 年 级 英 语 教 学 设 计


Period Period 1 Main teacher Wang Haiyan

Assistant Song Haixia Class teacher

Content Unit 2 What should I do?


Aims Language and Ability Talk about problems.

Give advice

Process and method To understand the target language by listening、reading.

Emotion and attitude Training the student’s hobbies of studying


Points Talk about problems.

Give advice

Difficult Points could / should, how to give advice

Methods 1.Reading method.

2.Speaking method.

3.Self check method.

Aids 1.A projector.

2.Large chart paper, colored markers. Revision and perfection



Step 1 Leading in

1.Greetings .

2.Free talk.

Step 2 Pre-task

Teach the new words and phrases.

Step 3 While-task

SB Page10,1a & 1b.

Point to the advice and ask someone to read the each one to the class .

Discuss and finish the box in group.

3、Play the recording and let Ss fill in the chart .Check the answers .

SB Page 10 , 1c .

1、Point out the sample conversation in activity 1c .

2、Ask two Ss to read it to the class .Have Ss work in pairs .

Step4 Pair work:

1.Point out the conversation in the box in activity 1c. ask two students to read it to the class.

2.Ask the students work with a partner. Make your own conversations about the people in the picture.

3.Then ask several pairs to say their conversations to the class.

.Step 5 Summary

Today we’ve learned the key vocabulary and the target of the unit by reading and writing.

Blackboard design Unit 2 What should I do?


Serious ot Serious

What’s wrong…?== What’s the matter……?

Maybe I should------.

A: What’s wrong/the matter?

B: My clothes are out of style.

A: Maybe you should buy some new clothes.

B: But I don’t have enough money.

Homework Make a conversation using “What’s wrong…?


Reflection after class

八 年 级 英 语 教 学 设 计


Period Period 2 Main teacher Wang Haiyan

Assistant Song Haixia Class teacher

Content Unit 2 What should I do?


Aims Language and Ability Talk about problems.

Give advice

Process and method To understand the target language by listening、reading.

Emotion and attitude Training the student’s hobbies of studying


Points Talk about problems.

Give advice

Difficult Points How to give advice

Methods 1.Reading method.

2.Speaking method.

3.Self check method.

Aids 1.A projector.

2.Large chart paper, colored markers. Revision and perfection



Step 1 warm up.

Greet the class as usual and check the homework.

Step 2 Post-task

SB Page 11 , 2a & 2b .

1、First point to the chart in activity 2a and get Ss to know what to do ,then play the recording and ask Ss to check “yes” or “no” .

2、Correct the answers .

Do with activity 2b in the same way .

Step 3 Pairwork

SB Page 11 , 2c .

Ss work in pairs , then ask some pairs to act out their conversations .

Step 4 Summary

1.Today we’ve reviewed the key vocabulary and the target of the unit by reading and writing.

2.Grammar focus.

1)Learn the grammar focus by heart.Get ss to go over grammar focus。


Step 5 Extension

Show some pictures and get ss to say “What should we do?”

Ss say according to the pictures:What should we do?

Blackboard design Unit 2 What should I do?

keep out want sb to do sth

enough money, old enough… , enough to…

argue with, agree with , help with…

out of style, in style

What’s wrong?/up?/the matter?

call sb. up 8.a ticket to the ball game, a key to the door on the phone

Homework Recite the Grammar focus

Reflection after class

八 年 级 英 语 教 学 设 计


Period Period 3 Main teacher Wang Haiyan

Assistant Song Haixia Class teacher

Content Unit 2 What should I do?


Aims Language and Ability Learn read and write the target language.

Learn to give advice.

Process and method To understand the target language by listening、reading.

Emotion and attitude Learn to list problems and give advice and help others.


Points Talk about problems.

Give advice

Difficult Points How to give advice

Methods 1.Reading method.

2.Speaking method.

3.Self check method.

Aids 1.A projector.

2.Large chart paper, colored markers. Revision and perfection



Step 1 Warm up

1.Ask ss question:What problems do you have ?

What should I do ?

2.Ss try to answer the questions and give some good advice.

Step 2 Presentation

1.Ask ss question like:What do you think the advive?

Is it a good idea/a bad idea/an okay idea?

2.ss try to answer the question.

Step 3 While-task

SB Page12,3a & 3b.

1.Show Eve’s problem and try to give her some good advice

2.show Eve’s friens’ some advice and say it is a good idea/a bad idea/an okay idea.

ss try to give Eve advice.

.Learn about Eve’s friends’ adive

Step4 Pair work:

1.Point out the conversation in the box in activity 3b. ask two students to read it to the class.

2.Ask the students work with a partner. Make your own conversations about the people in the picture.

3.Then ask several pairs to say their conversations to the class.

.Step 5 Discuss in group

1.Show Jim’s problem(4 p12)

2.Ss work in group and give Jim some good advice.

Step 6 practice.

Show some problems and let ss give advice.ss give advice

Step 7 Summary

Recite 3a(P12)

Blackboard design Unit 2 What should I do?

1.need to do sth. I need to get some money.

2.pay for. You must pay for it.

3.borrow …from… I borrow a book from him.

4.ask for. I ask my parents for some money.

5.either/also/too I can swim, too I can also swim. I can’t swim, either.

Homework Recite 3a(P12)

Reflection after class

八 年 级 英 语 教 学 设 计


Period Period 4 Main teacher Wang Haiyan

Assistant Song Haixia Class teacher

Content Unit 2 What should I do?


Aims Language and Ability 1.Language points

2. Read and write the target language.

3.Learn to help others to solve problems.

Process and method To understand the target language by listening、reading.

Emotion and attitude Learn to list problems and give advice and help others.


Points Read and write the target language.

Difficult Points Original, what to do, except/besides, leave out, get on

Methods Task-based teaching method;

Aids 1.A projector.

2.Large chart paper, colored markers. Revision and perfection



Step 1 Warm up

greeting the class

2.show some problems and give some advice.

Try to anwser the questions .

Step 2 Presentation

1.show pictures to learn language items

2.Ss answer the question

Step 3 Practice

1.Show example to ss,Work in pairs

2.Get ss to work in groups and discuss

SB Page13,1a

Point to the advice and ask someone to read the each one to the class .

Discuss and finish the box in group.

3、Play the recording and let Ss fill in the chart .Check the answers .

SB Page 13 , 1b .

1、Point out the sample conversation in activity 1c .

2、Ask two Ss to read it to the class .Have Ss work in pairs .

Step4 Pair work:

1.Point out the conversation in the box in activity 1c. ask two students to read it to the class.

2.Ask the students work with a partner. Make your own conversations about the people in the picture.

3.Then ask several pairs to say their conversations to the class.

.Step 5 Summary

Today we’ve learned the key vocabulary and the target of the unit by reading and writing.

Blackboard design Unit 2 What should I do?

My friend has the same haircut as I do.

Everyone else/ What else.

I don’t know that to do.

Everyone is here except John.

Besides us, all the other Ss went to the movie.

Homework Make a conversation using “What’s wrong…?


Reflection after class

八 年 级 英 语 教 学 设 计


Period Period 5 Main teacher Wang Haiyan

Assistant Song Haixia Class teacher

Content Unit 2 What should I do?

SectionB (2a----2c)

Aims Language and Ability Talk about problems.

Give advice

Process and method To understand the target language by listening、reading.

Emotion and attitude Training the student’s hobbies of studying


Points Read and write the target language.

Difficult Points Original, what to do, except/besides, leave out, get on

Methods Task-based teaching method;

Aids 1.A projector.

2.Large chart paper, colored markers. Revision and perfection



Step 1 Warm up

greeting the class

2.Free talk.

Step 2 Pre-task

SB Page 13 ,1a .

1、Say , Look at the items on the list .

2、ask Ss to complete the writing on their own .

3、Correct the answers .

Step 3 While-task

SB Page 13, 2a.

1、Read the instructions and point out the sample conversation.

2、Ask Ss to work with a partner and make their own conversations about the items in activity 1a .

3、Call several pairs to say one or more of their conversations to the class .

SB Page 13, 2b .

1、Read the instructions and have Ss know what to do .Play the recording and ask Ss to write their answer on their own .

2、Ask two Ss to write their answers on the Bb .

Correct the answers.

Step 4 pairwork.

SB Page 13, 2c .

1、Point out the sample conversation and ask two Ss to read it to the class .

2、Then point to the phrases in the box .Ask Ss to ask and answer with a partner .

3、Ask several pairs to say their questions and answers to the class .Correct any incorrect questions or answers .

Step 5 Summary

Today we’ve learned the key vocabulary and the target of the unit by reading and writing.

Blackboard design Unit 2 What should I do?

My friend has the same haircut as I do.

Everyone else/ What else.

I don’t know that to do.

Everyone is here except John.

Besides us, all the other Ss went to the movie.

Homework Make a conversation using “What’s wrong…?

.八 年 级 英 语 教 学 设 计


Period Period 6 Main teacher Wang Haiyan

Assistant Song Haixia Class teacher

Content Unit 2 What should I do?

Aims Language and Ability Revise the words and the target language.

Process and method To understand the target language by listening、reading.

Emotion and attitude Learn to give advice.


Points 1. Language points 2. Read and write the target language.

Difficult Points Read and write the target language.

Methods 1.Reading method.

2.Speaking method.

3.Self check method.

Aids 1.A projector.

2.Large chart paper, colored markers. Revision and perfection



Step 1 Warm up

1.greeting the class

2.Show pictures to talk about the problems and give advice 3.Ask ss questions just like:What’s the matter? What should he/she do?

3.Look at the pictures.

4.Try to answer teacher’s questions

Step 2 Presentation

1、Show a picture of Ann and Mary

2、Get ss to compare Ann to Mary

3、show Mary’s problem

Step 3 Task 1 reading(3a P14)

1.Read the passage quickly and try to answer the question “Why is the boy upset and lonely?”

2.give your advice according to the boy’s problem

.Step 4 Task 2 practice

1、Get ss to write a letter to the boy。

2、Ss write a letter and give good advice.

Step 5 Summary

Today we’ve learned the key vocabulary and the target of the unit by reading and writing.

1.recite the letter (P14)

2.finish off 3c(P14)

Blackboard design Unit 2 What should I do?


be angry with

get on well with,

have a fight with,

the same age as, give some advice


finish off 3c(P14)


Reflection after class

八 年 级 英 语 教 学 设 计


Period Period 7 Main teacher Wang Haiyan

Assistant Song Haixia Class teacher

Content Unit 2 What should I do?

Aims Language and Ability 1. Language points 2. Reading and writing.

Process and method To understand the target language by listening、reading.

Emotion and attitude Learn to relax and plan things for themselves..


Points 1. Language points 2. Reading and writing.

Difficult Points Reading and writing.

Methods Task-based teaching method,

Aids 1.A projector.

2.Large chart paper, colored markers. Revision and perfection



Step 1warm up

1.Greetings .

2.Free talk.

Step 2 presentation

1、Ask question:What do you usually do after class?

2、Discuss the question.

Step 3 Learn the strate

Show the two strategies

Get ss to understand the strategies

Step4Reading(while 1)

1.Show the question:Why are the children under

too much pressure?

2.Get ss to read the passage as quickly as possible and find out the answer to the question.

Step5 reading (while 2)

1.Read again and answer more questions.

2.Get ss to read it carefully and answer the questions

3.Get ss to discuss and give the answers to the questions:

1)When do you feel under pressure

2) What should you do to relax?

Step6Language items

1. points in the passage.

2.Listen to the tape and read it

3.Listen to points in the passage.

4.Listen to the tape and read itGet ss to write a letter to Cathy

Step 6 Summary

Today we’ve learned the key vocabulary and the target of the unit by reading and writing.

Blackboard design

Unit 2 What should I do?

What do you usually do after class?

why are students now under too much pressure?

When do you feel under pressure?

What should you do to relax?


Finish off 3c .

Reflection after class


Type of lesson: New Lesson

Teaching aims: Learn to use functional sentences, key structures, and words to giving advice and making suggestions by listening, speaking, reading and writing.

Teaching contents:

1. Topic: Healthy eating

(1) Talk about eating and health.

(2) Practise giving the advice and making suggestions

(3) Use the modal verbs had better, should, ought

(4) Learn some useful cooking terms

(5) Read and write recipes

2. Functional Sentences: Seeing the doctor.

Giving advice and making suggestions

3. Vocabulary:

Words: pain, hurt, ache, examine , check, advice, advise , suggest, health ; healthy, diet, base, prepare,

Phrases: had better, ought to, be careful, take care

4. Grammar: Modal Verbs

Period 1: Warming-up & Listening

Type of lesson: Listening

Time: 40 minutes

Teaching aims: 1. Talk about eating and health.

2. Improve the students’ abilities of listening.

Teaching aids: computer

Teaching procedures:

Step 1: Lead in

Ask students to answer the following questions:

1. What do you often have for breakfast / lunch / supper?

2. What do you care most about your food?

Step 2: group discussion.

Ask every group to choose one picture on page 1 and finish the following tasks:

1. List out the names of the food.

2. Identify the healthy food, junk food and the food both good and bad for health, and then give out the reasons.

3. Fill in the form.

4. Each group choose one student to report the result of their discussion.

names of the food healthy food, junk food,

food both good and bad for health, reasons

Step 3 : Listening comprehension

1. Go through the task with the students and make sure what to do before the teacher plays the tape.

2. Play the tape for 3 or 4 times and give specific instructions of what to do each time.

Listening text 1

( 1 ) Answer the question 1, 2 on Page 2.

( 2 ) Filling the blanks.

Hmm, let me see, I had two _____________, two large orders of __________ ________, an _______ _________, and a large ____________.

( 3 ) Discuss the question 3 on Page 3.

Listening text I1

( 1 ) Answer the questions on Page 2.

( 2 ) Filling the blanks.

Now, let’s see. No, your temperature is ____. Your mum’s _________ ----- you probably ____ ate ____ _____. Here, take these pills tonight and tomorrow morning and see if you feel _____. If _______ changes or you don’t feel _____, give me a call.

3. Let students check their answers in pairs and then with the whole class.

Step 4: role- play

Ask the students to act as a doctor and a patient to make dialogues.


Ask the students to discuss the following questions after class.

1. How important is it to control the amount of food for your meals?

2. How do we keep a balanced diet?

Period 2 Speaking

Teaching aims:

1. To train Ss’ speaking ability

2. The Ss are able to describe what’s wrong with him when seeing a doctor and practise a doctor’s suggestions.

Teaching procedures

Step 1. Leading in

Let the Ss read a short joke and answer some questions.

How old is she?

A woman was having some trouble with her heart, so she went to see the doctor. He was a new doctor and didn’t know her, so he first asked some questions, and one of them was “ How old are you?”

“Well”, she answered “I don’t remember, doctor, but I will try to think.” She thought for a minute and then said , “ Yes, I remember now, doctor. When I married, I was 18 ,and my husband was thirty. Now my husband is sixty, I know. And that is twice thirty. So I am twice eighteen. That is thirty-six, isn’t it?”

1) What was the relationship between two people?

2) What’s wrong with the woman?

3) What are the questions a doctor usually asks when you first meet him?

4) What other problems does the woman have besides heart trouble?

Step 2 Functional sentences learning

1. Ask the Ss to brainstorm on functional sentences about seeing the doctor and list them on a piece of paper.

1) What’s wrong/matter with you?

2) I don’t feel well./ I’ve got pain here.

3) There’s something wrong with my…

4) Let me have a look. Show me your …

2. Ask the Ss to go over the functional sentences on P3 by themselves.

3. Let the Ss read the situations and make up a dialogue in a pair or in group of 3 or 4.

4. Ask the Ss to sum up the functional sentences they have used in their dialogues.

Patient Doctor

I’ve got a pain here. This place hurts. Lie down and let me examine you.

There’s something wrong with … Let me have a look.

I don’t feel well. Drink plenty of water and get

some rest.

5. Read the sample dialogue and try to learn it by heart.

Step 3 . Task: Make up a dialogue by using the situations given on P72.

Sample: 1

A: Excuse me , waiter! Could I order, please? I’m very hungry!

B: Of course. What would you like?

A: Oh, I like all kinds of food. I’ll eat anything as long as I get a lot of it!

B: I see. Well, in that case, I recommend that you order a steak.

A: Well,yes, but I’m worried that it may not be enough. What does it come with.

B: It comes with two vegetables and your choice of French fries or bread rolls.

A: Can I have both fries and bread rolls?

B: Sure. And perhaps you’d like a salad?

A: Good idea! I’d like a regular house salad. Oh, and I’d like some dessert, too.

B: We have apple pie and ice cream.

A: Great. I’ll take the apple pie, please.

Step 4 Summarizing the functional sentences of giving advice and making suggestions they have used in their dialogues.

a. You’d better (not)…

You should /ought to …

You need (to )…

b. Shall we…?


What/How about…

Why not…?

Why don’t you …?

Period 3: Reading

Type of lesson: Reading

Time: 40 minutes

Teaching content: Text---We Are What We Eat

Teaching objectives: 1. Students can understand the whole passage by reading it.

2. Students will learn to know how to make the right choices about what and how we eat.

Teaching focus: Improving the students’ abilities of reading.

Teaching aids: computer

Teaching procedures:

Step Ⅰ: Pre-reading

Show students the following questions on the screen and let students discuss them in pairs.

1) Which of the following gives you the most energy: a banana, a soft drink or a bar of chocolate?

2) How many meals do you have every day? Which meal do you think is the most important? Why?

3) How much water do you drink every day?

4) What kind of snacks do you have?

Step Ⅱ: While-reading

1. Reading for general information.

Ask the students to read the passage quickly for the first time and find out the answers to the following questions.

1) Why should we learn to make the right choices about what and how we eat?

2) How will we be ready for the challenges and opportunities in life?

2. Reading for the meaning of the words.

Ask the students to read the passage for the second time and find the words that fit the following descriptions.

1) ________________ Found in food and necessary for good health.

2) ________________ The kind of food that someone eats each day.

3) ________________ Part of plants that you eat but cannot digest, which help food to move quickly through your body.

4) ________________ Found in food and are important for good health. They help to build our bones, teeth and blood.

5) ________________ Found under skin. Our body needs it for energy. It can keep us from feeling cold.

6) ________________ Bad for your teeth and can make you gain weight.

7) ________________ Found in milk and meat. Our body needs it to grow and keep healthy.

8) ________________ Unit for measuring how much energy the food can give us.

3. Reading for understanding specific information.

Let students do the T or F exercises.

1) Our eating habits have changed because we need more food than before.

2) We can buy all kinds of food in the stores, but we had better choose healthy food to buy.

3) Protein, Calcium, Vitamins and some other nutrients help to build up strong bodies.

4) Vegans don’t eat meat because they hate hunting.

5) More and more people realize that organic vegetables are good for health because the vegetables are grown without chemicals.

6) Supplements and crash diets can help people lose weight.

7) If we eat less fat, sugar and exercise more we will keep ourselves fit.

8) The passage mainly talks about what to do to make oneself healthy.

4. Reading for sentence problem solving

Let students read the passage with the tape on and underline the sentences that they can not understand. After the students finish reading, teacher should help them to solve their problems and make sure everyone can understand the following sentences.

(The explanations to the following sentences are on page 132)

1) Our eating habits have changed, as our way of life, and the fuel we need for our bodies is also different.

2) The same goes for “crash diets” that some companies say will make us lose weight fast.

3) We ought to learn more about our body and the fuel it needs to keep fit. Only in that way will we be ready for the challenges and opportunities in life.

Step Ⅲ: Post-reading.

1. Ask students to work in pairs to complete this table.

Nutrients functions Sources

2. Students work in groups of four and discuss the questions below. When they have finished, they can discuss their answers with the rest of the class.

1) Why do people go to fast food restaurants?

2) Why is it not good for you to eat too much sugar and fat?

3) Why are crash diets and supplements so popular?

4) What can we do to keep a balanced diet?

3. A task

Every student makes a balanced diet of one week for their families according to the passage and the chart on page 73

Period 4: Word Study

I. Type of lesson: Word Study

II .Teaching aim: Help the Ss understand the meaning of the given key words and phrases , learn to use the words by themselves.

III. contents: pain, hurt, diet, advice, advise, examine , prepare, health, , fit, offer

IV. Difficult point: write a passage with the words and expressions

V. Teaching aids: projector

VI. Teaching procedures:


Step 1: learn to understand the word by asking the Ss to find out the sentences in the dialogue and try to explain the meaning in another way.

Situation 1:

Suppose you are a patient. You said, “I’v got a pain in the head”. But the doctor doesn’t understand the word “pain”. You have to express yourself in different ways.

I’v got a headache or my head hurts.

Step 2 : learn to use the word:

1). pain

1. I’v got a pain here.

2. His harsh words caused her much pain.

3. No pains, no gains.

4. She took great pains to keep the house clean.

5. Tom took great pains with his English lesson and got high marks.

6. My foot is still paining me.

pain 多用于名词,可数或不可数,指“肉体上的痛苦”也指“感情上的痛苦”;表示“辛劳,努力”时复数。

2).hurt 表示疼痛,只能用作不及物动词。如:

1.My leg still hurts.

2.Does it hurt here?

3. These shoes hurt --- they are too small.

hurt v.t make somebody or something feel pain:

4.He fell and hurt his leg.

5.You hurt her feelings (= made her unhappy ) when you said she was fat.

6.He was hurt in a traffic accident.

Step 3 Practise using the words.


It gave him much ______ to have ______ his son in the war.

2. 你得了什么病?我头疼。

What’s wrong with you? My head_________.(hurts)/ I have a _______ in the head.


Step 1: Lead in: learn to understand the word

Situation 2: T: After you tell the doctor what’s wrong with you, could you tell me what the doctor will probably do?

S : The doctor will say: “Let me examine you.”

Step 2 Learn to understand the word.

Match the explanations with the sentences on the right box.

examination (= exam ) n.

1.He went into hospital for an examination.

( for a medical examination.)

2.We’ll have an exam in English next week.

Step 3:Practise using the word.

Make sentences using the words “examine & examination” according to the following situation:

Situation 3 : You came back to school from the hospital to tell your English teacher why you went to see the doctor instead of having the examination in English.


Step 1: learn to understand the word

Situation 4 : List the suggestions the doctor gives to the patient in the dialogue.

Step 2: 1. I advise you not to eat fruit that isn’t ripe in future.

2 I advised him not to smoke in the room.

3. I advised him against smoking in the room.

4. .The doctor advised the man to stop smoking, but he wouldn’t listen.

5.I advised that he ( should ) not smoke in the room.

Step 3: Ask Ss to rewrite the above five sentences using the word suggest.

Step 4. advice n.

a piece of advice

ask sb. for advice ;

give sb. some advice on how to do sth. ;

take advice

Our teacher always gives us some advice on how to learn English well.

Step 5 : right or wrong?

1. I suggested that he finished the work in an hour.

2. I advise you have a good rest after finishing the work.

3. The doctor suggests to eat ripe fruit in future.


1. He advised us ___ there on such a rainy day.

a. not go b. going not c. not to go d. should not go

2. I suggest you ___by taking this medicine.

a. to lose weight b. will lose weight c. lose weight d. are losing weight

四, diet Learn to know something about the word

Step 1: lead in

Situation 5: Jane is a girl. She often feels hungry. She likes hamburger , potato chips and fried chicken. She can’t run fast because she weighs 90 kg. What do you think she should do?( She should know what a healthy and balanced diet is. Instead of eating expensive diet food, she can simply try to eat less fat and sugar and exercise more.)

Step 2:

1. What is a healthy diet?

2.It is probably better ,however, if we spend our time and money on buying good food and keeping a balanced diet.

3.Too rich a diet isn’t good for you.

4. The doctor put the patient on a special diet.医生给这个病人规定特别饮食

5.The doctor says I’ve got to go on a diet.医生说我得节食。

health ; healthy

1. Walking is good for your health.

2. She is in good (/ poor ) health.

3. Though 80 years old, my grandmother is still healthy.

Step 3: practise using the word by asking Ss to make sentences according to the above situation.

1. It’s important to have a healthy diet.

2.If you are too fat ,the doctor will advise you to go on a diet.


Step 1. learn to understand the word by asking the Ss to find out the sentence with “prepare” in it.

We can make sure that we are well prepared for the challenges and opportunities in life.

Step 2: Learn to understand the word

1. John is preparing a meal for us.

2. Will you help me prepare for the party?

Prepare vt. --get it ready

one’s lessons,

prepare the table

chairs for the meeting

the meeting

prepare for the exam

the struggle

the party

3.I am making preparations for the journey.

Step 3: Practise using the word.

1.They are busy _____lunch.(preparing)

2.He is well ______for the meeting.(prepared)

3.I’m not ________to listen to all your weak excuses.(prepared)

4.First __________the rice by washing it, then cook it in boiling water.(prepare)

5.Will you help me ___________the party?(prepare for)


Step 1: Lead in learn to understand the word

Situation 6 : The teacher is wearing a new coat. Ask the Ss what it looks like on the teacher.

Step 2: Learn to use the word

1. The suit fits me nicely

2. We always fit our deeds to our words.

3. The door fits badly.

4. Mr. Wang fitted a new lock on the door.

5. We should exercise more to keep fit.

Step 3:Practise using the word


1.You look so good in the red dress- it fit you well.( )

2. I’m sure we’ll have something to fit your requirements(要求), Madam.( )

3.All the computers they sell all fitted free.( )

4.The person who has the experience in designing the software is fit for the post(职位) in the computer company.( )

5.The old man is as fit as a flea(十分硬朗)because he does a lot of exercise every day.( )

6.The shoes are a good /poor fit.( )


Step 1: learn to understand the word by asking the Ss to find out the sentence in the text with “offer” in it.

Stores offer all kinds of food and snacks and we have to make many choices.

Step 2: Learn to use the word

1.The trees offered shade from the sun.

2.He offered to help me /he offered me his help.

3.Thank you for your offer of help.

4.The company has offered a high salary.

Step 3: Practise using the word


1. My father has very kindly offered to take us to the airport.( )

2. We feel really bad that we didn’t offer any food to the poor.( )

3. What are you offering for the painting if you would like to buy it?( )

4. It’s an organization that offers free legal advice to people on low incomes(收入).( )

5. I must say the offer of a weekend in Hainan quite tempts(吸引) me.( )

6. He’s a businessman…I’ll make him an offer he can’t refuse.( )

VII. Task 1: Suppose you are a doctor who answers questions about diets and nutrition for Food and Diet magazine. Read the following letter and write a reply.

Task 2:

Complete the following passage using the above words:

The Way to Keep Healthy

It is very important for us to keep healthy in our daily life. But how? Here is some____ for you to follow.(advice)

First, you ought to have a healthy_____. It is necessary to eat enough fruit with which you should be _______ because it contains all kinds of vitamin that you need every day. You had better not eat too much fat. Every day your parents _____ a rich meal for you. The amount of fat you can eat____ ____on your weight.(ought, diet, careful, had, prepare, is based)

Second, good habits can help you keep_____. I _______ doing regular exercise every day.(healthy, suggest)

Last, an eight-hour sleep is needed after a day’s hard work. Remember smoking can damage your______. If you really feel a _____ in your body , go to ask the doctor to ____ you to be cured in time.(health,pain,examine)

Period 4 Grammar

Teaching aims:

1. To train students to know the usage of the modal verbs “had better, should, ought

to, must, have to and have got to”.

2. To let students to know the differences between had better, should, ought

to, must, have to and have got to.

3. To train students to use these modal verbs skillfully in daily life.

Key and difficult points:

1. To let students to summarize the usages of these modal verbs after learning the

sentences with modal verbs.

2. To train students to use the modal verbs in daily life including spoken English and

written English.

3. To let students to use modal verbs in right condition.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 ------ Leading in

1. Ask students to watch a flash which happens between a mother, a son and a guest.

2. Ask students why the guest is very angry.

Step 2 ------ Modal verbs learning

I. had better

1. Show students a picture of a doctor and a patient, and then tell students some background about the picture.

Teacher’s presentation ------ A man felt very badly and he thought he had a serious disease, so he decided to go to see a doctor. The doctor examined him and asked him some questions about his favorite food and hobbies. The patients told the doctor that he likes having junk food and liquor. His another hobby is always surfing the Internet overnight and getting up very late.

2. Ask students to suppose they are doctors, and ask them to discuss what advice

they can give the patient according to pictures in pairs.

3. Ask some students to present their discussion results buy using the word had


(1) You had better eat more vegetable and fruits.

(2) You had better drink less wine.

(3) You had better not surf the Internet recently.

(4) You had better get up and go to bed early.

(5) You had better take more exercise.

4. Ask students to summarize the usage of had better.

When you give advice or your opinion about something, you can use had better or had better not.

Attention ------ You can say “had better do sth.” to the people who are older than you.

II. should & ought to

1. Show students a picture of western dinner table, and then tell students some

background about the picture.

Teacher’s presentation ------ Sammy and her Chinese friend Li Ming went to a formal Western dinner party one day. Unfortunately Li Ming does not know anything about table manners at a formal Western dinner party, so he made many stupid mistakes at the party. The next day Sammy told Li Ming his mistakes, and tried to advise Li Ming what to do or what not to do.

2. Ask students to suppose he or she is Sammy, discuss what Sammy is going to try to advise Li Ming according the given pictures in pairs. Tell Li Ming what to do or what not to do by using words should or ought to.

3. Ask some students to present their discussion results buy using the word should and ought to.

(1) You should/ought to keep the knife in your right hand and the fork in your left.

(2) You shouldn’t/ought not to ask a second bowl of soup.

(3) You should not/ought not to drink too much.

(4) You should/ought to finish everything on your plate.

4. Ask students to summarize the usage of should and ought to.

When you are trying to advise someone about what to do or what not to do, you can use should/ought to or should not/ought not to. Ought to is stronger than should in tone.

III. must & have to

1. Show students a picture of a master and a servant.

Teacher’s presentation ------ This master is going to her friend’s birthday party. Before leaving, she gives his servant a lot of work.

2. Ask four students a group to discuss what the master says to her servant, and then give them an example and some pictures.

3. Ask some students to present their discussion results buy using the word must.

(1) You must clean every room.

(2) You must take my dog to go for a walk after dinner.

(3) You must wash all the clothes.

(4) You must clean the garden.

(5) You mustn’t use my phone.

4. The servant feels very misunderstood and she complains to her friend. Ask students to suppose he or she is the servant, and ask four students a group to discuss what the servant is going to say to her friend.

5. Ask some students to present their discussion results buy using the word have to.

(1) I have to clean every room.

(2) I have to take my dog to go for a walk after dinner.

(3) I have to wash all the clothes.

(4) I have to clean the garden.

6. Ask students to summarize the usage of must and have to.

(1) When you want to say that it is necessary for someone to do something, you can use must.

(2) You can use must when you think it is necessary. Must can be only used in present tense and futures tense. The negative form of must is mustn’t which means 不许.

(3) You can use have to when someone else thinks it is necessary or there seems to be no other choice. Have to can be used in any tense. The negative form of have to is not have to which means needn’t.

(4) You can use have got to instead of have to.

Step 3 ------ Modal verbs practice

1. Show students some school rules and regulations. Ask students to say some of rules by using modal verbs according to their attitudes to some rules and regulations.

(1) Get to school on time.

(2) Wear school uniforms from Monday to Thursday.

(3) Wear school badge at school school.

(4) Don’t wear any jewelry at school.

(4) Don’t take cellphones to school.

(5) Turn off the light before leaving the classroom.

(6) Keep silent at noon from 12:50 to 1:50.

(7) Don’ t ride your bike at the campus.

2. Ask students to suppose they are teachers. At the first day of the new semester,

how the teachers say these rules and regulations to the new students by using the modal verbs.

3. Ask four students a group to discuss how the teachers say these rules. Then ask three students to present their results and let other students to judge who the best teacher is.

Homework ------

1. Ask students to fill in the blanks with must or have to.

(1) It’s later than I thought. I ________ go now.

(2) Jack left before the end of the meeting. He __________ go home early.

(3) In Britain many children ____________ wear uniform when they go to school.

(4) When you come to London again, you __________ come and see us.

(5) Last night Don became ill suddenly. We __________ call a doctor.

(6) You really _____________ work harder if you want to pass the examination.

2. Ask students to fill in the blanks with mustn’t or don’t/doesn’t have to.

(1) I don’t want anyone to know. You ________ tell anyone.

(2) I can stay in bed tomorrow morning because I __________ go to work.

(3) Whatever you do, you _____________ touch the switch. It’s very dangerous.

(4) There is a lift in the building, so we ___________ climb the stairs.

(5) You _______ forget what I told you. It’s very important.

(6) You _____________ be a good player to enjoy a game of tennis.

3. Ask students to fill in the blanks with had better or should.

(1) I have an appointment in ten minutes. I ________ go now or I will be late.

(2) It’s a great film. You _________ go and see it. You will really like it.

(3) I ________ get up early tomorrow. I have got a lot to do.

(4) When people are driving, they _________ keep their eyes on the road.

(5) Thank you for coming to see us. You __________ come more often.

(6) These biscuits are delicious. You _________try one.

Period 6: Integrating skills:

Type of lesson: Reading and writing

Teaching aim: Enable the Ss to improve the ability of reading and writing.

Teaching procedures:

Step I: Reading.

1. Ask the Ss to classify the foods in the box into different groups individually and then give reasons.

potato chips sandwich salad apples chocolate chicken roll-ups tomatoes shaomai oranges bananas

Healthy snacks:_______________________________________________

Unhealthy snacks:______________________________________________


I think that potato chips are unhealthy snacks because they are high in fat.

I think that apples are healthy snacks because they have lots of vitamins and fibre.

2. Ask the Ss to name some other snacks.

3. A game.(group work)

T: Snacks are usually easy to make, so sometimes we can prepare the snacks by ourselves. Are you good at cooking?

shaomai chicken roll-ups

_____the pork and the black mushrooms _____ pieces. _____ the chicken and ____ it into pieces.

_____all the ingredients _____ a bowl. _____ the bacon ____cut it into pieces.

_____ and ______ the skins. _____ the potato small,and _____ some lettuce and the cheese.

_____ the shaomai _____ boiling water _____7 or 8 minutes. ______ them all together in a bowl.

_____ some of the mixture _____ the bread and ____it up.

1) Ask the Ss to fill in the form without looking at the books.

2) Tell them to check their answers according to the passage and explain some new words.

3) Teach some new verbs with pictures or performance.

Group 1:chop,peel,slice,dice

Group 2:stir,mix,blend,add

Group 3:boil,steam,fry

Step II. Ask the Ss to learn to write a recipe.

1.A writing task.

Today is your birthday.You ‘re 18 now.You want to show your parents you are no longer a child.You are able to take good care of them and yourself.You’ve made a birthday cake (a salad,a pudding,etc.) by yourself . Look!

2.Ask the Ss to discuss the topic they want to write.

3.Ask the Ss to list the necessary information.(Work in groups of four)

1) What ingredients do you need?

2) How much is needed,a spoonful,a cup or a pound?

3) What should you do with the ingredients?

4) Which ingredients should be mixed together and how?

5) How should the ingredients be cooked?

4.Get the Ss to write the recipe .

5.Tell them to exchange their recipes in pairs.

6.Ask some pairs to present their recipes in front of the class.

(One of them gives the instruction while the other acts out.)

Possible version:

Fruit salad


an apple, a pear, a banana, orange sections, grapes , melon balls, strawberries, nuts (1 cup),vanilla yogurt (1 cup),orange juice concentrate (2 spoons),lettuce

Cut the apple and the pear into pieces and the banana into slices(slice the banana).Mix together all the fresh fruits with nuts. Stir the yogurt with orange juice concentrate. Add the fruits and nuts, and mix them well. Serve on a bed of lettuce.



丰台分院 梁丽冰


AUnit9 I like music that I can dance to(第1课时)





掌握本单元基本词汇,学会恰当的使用引导词that ,who


1)掌握功能句“What kind of music do you like ? I like music that I can dance to . I love singers who can write their ownmusic.”





1)本节课的教学重点是学会并掌握先行词为物或者人时,引导词“that ,who ”的使用方法。

2)“prefer …to…”的用法

3)掌握有关音乐的词汇和相关的词组,能够比较流利地描述自己喜欢的音乐,运用功能句 “What kind of music do you like ? I like music that I can dance to . I love singers who can write their own music.”






自制多媒体课件(PowerPoint);录音机(A tape recorder)



⑴ Warming up

⑵ Discuss: Do you like music? What kind ofmusic do you know?

⑶ There aremany kinds of music such as pop ,jazz, rock……. Let Sstalk about the kinds of music..(多媒体出示)

⑷Let Ss read 1a. Explain the sentences:

I prefermusic that has great lyrics=I like music that has great lyrics better.

lyrics:the plural form is often used.

Ask Ss topractice in pairs then make up a short passage using the four sentences on thescreen.


Explain attributive clauses.


I love singers who write their ownmusic

I like music that I can dance to.

a. that即可代表事物也可代表人,which代表事物;它们在从句中作主语或宾语,that在从句中作宾语时常可省略关系词,which在从句中作宾语则不能省略。而且,如果which在从句中作“不及物动词+介词”的介词的宾语,注意介词不要丢掉,而且介词总是放在关系代词which的前边,但有的则放在它原来的位置

b. which作宾语时,根据先行词与定语从句之间的语义关系,先行词与which之间的介词不能丢

c. 代表物时多用which,但在带有下列词的句子中用that而不用which,这些词包括all,anything, much等,这时的that常被省略

d. who和whom引导的从句用来修饰人,分别作从句中的主语和宾语,whom作宾语时,要注意它可以作动词的宾语也可以作介词的宾语

e. where是关系副词,用来表示地点的定语从句


Fill inthe blank with who that

1).I have a brother _______likes soccer.

2)Tom doesn’t like movies_______are too long and too scary.

3) We prefer groups ________ play loud and energetic songs.

4) He likes friends_________ often help each other


1) Askand answer in pairs:

What kindof music do you like best? Why?

I like popmusic/classical music/jazz music/country music/dance music, etc. And tell thereasons.

2) Listento four pieces of music .Then practice the conversation in pairs.

3) Showseveral pictures and introduce their favorite singers ,groups and so on..

4) Practice in pairs and talk about their favorite kinds ofsongs, singers and groups.

5) Listenand complete 1b,2a and 2b.



I love singers who write their ownmusic

I like music that I can dance to.

who / that 在定语从句中做主语时,谓语动词的单复数应与先行词保持一致

I prefershoes that are cool.

I like apizza that is really delicious.

I lovesingers who are beautiful.

I have afriend who plays sports.


Write a composition about the kinds of the friends they likeand dislike





3.人教版《雨说》 教学设计





















































课本整体感知 单元整体学习1课时

《藤野先生》 3课时

《生命与和平相爱》 1课时

《热爱生命》 1课时

《享受生活》 2课时

诵读欣赏 1课时

“综合学习与探究” 4课时




第1课时 确定本单元的学习内容


1、导入:让学生浏览目录、课文(还可以延伸到发展性评价手册) 明确任务

2 、巡视、指导 浏览目录、课文

3 、布置讨论:本单元的内容具有怎样的特点? 思考、讨论


1 、回顾我们曾经学习过的种种学习方法(如:九年级上册的读书方法,圈点勾画的具体要求,上一单元的比较与辩微等)

2 、针对本单元的学习内容和特点,制定相应的学习方法和学习计划







2、小结: 自我小结







教学重点: 了解作品的时代背景,学习文章精选材料,多方面表现人物性格的手法,了解散文形散神不散的特点,学习本文抓住人物语言行动表现人物性格特征的写法,领会文章语言的感情色彩。





1 创设情境,导入新课:多媒体出示鲁迅先生照片和藤野先生的照片。鲁迅为什么对藤野先生始终不忘呢? 观看图片,思考。


1 问题设计:鲁迅对藤野先生的第一印象是什么?我和藤野先生直接交往的事有几件?我对藤野先生的感情是怎样的? 学生带着问题快速浏览课文,边读边思考

2 组织学生讨论、交流

3 组织学生用表格形式填写:藤野先生与作者交往的典型事例及反映的思想品质。


1 课本扉页后的彩色插图中有藤野先生的油画肖像,请你为这张画像配一段简要的文字说明 。(观察思考并配文字说明。)

2 组织交流、评点

课后学习: 1、文章的感情线索是怎样的?。





1 深入探究,请大家依照“去仙台前”“在仙台”“离开仙台”给文章理清脉络。

2 课文的线索是怎样安排的? 思考,交流

3 交流明确


1 文章中两次写到藤野先生的叹息,请找出文中语句,思考这两次叹息有什么不同吗?

2 文章的最后三段和第一、第三部分并不是写藤野先生,这是否离题呢? (思考分析材料安排与主题的关系 )组织交流并明确

课后学习:1、研读鲁迅先生在仙台的经历,思考给你带来的启示 。



1 组织学生探究分析鲁迅先生在仙台的经历,组织学生说说藤野先生的形象 。

2 刚到仙台时,有人也对鲁迅表现出了关心,你能找到具体描写的文字吗?请读一读 找出具体描写的文字

3 思考:鲁迅先生后来不学医了,为什么作为医专教授的藤野先生仍对他产生了深远的影响?这对我们有什么启示? 思考并交流


1 组织学生阅读《〈呐喊〉自序》,或鲁迅先生的其他作品,深入理解到仙台学医对鲁迅走上文学道路的重要作用(阅读《〈呐喊〉自序》,或鲁迅先生的其他作品,交流读后的感受。)














1 创设情景导入:屏幕投影出示马克思、达尔文爱因斯坦等伟人肖像图。教师语:他们都是在经济、科学、政治等方面为世界做出杰出贡献的人才,他们都是犹太人,犹太人为什么会具有如此优秀才能,学了本文我们会找到一些答案! 观看倾听思考进入课文学习

2 组织学生快速阅读课文,读了本文后你会留有怎样的'印象,在这些印象中,你感受最深的是什么?



1 组织学生理清课文结构 认真读课文,找出课文能清晰地表现作者写作思路的几个关键句子,理清结构。


思考: 本文构思精巧,写作上有许多地方值得我们学习,文章在艺术上有那些方面较有特色? 小组合作学习交流讨论归纳总结


1 创新思维小练习:“后来一切都好”作者认为是“像一个智者的和平寓言”请你也写一句告诫人类的“和平箴言”。引导学生交流、评价 交流、评价





由于犹太姓氏所占比例过大,阿尔伯特爱因斯坦(Albert Einstein,1879年生于德国乌尔姆城)、马科斯玻恩(Max Born,1882年生于波兰弗罗茨瓦夫)、尼尔斯玻尔(Niels Bohr,1885年生于丹麦哥本哈根)、恩利克费密(Enrice Fermi,1891年生于意大利都灵)、J罗伯特奥本海默(J Robert Oppenheimer,19生于美国纽约)等犹太科学家主导的现代物理学,曾一度被称为“犹太物理学”。


同样,由于卡尔马克思(Karl Marx,18生于普鲁士莱茵省特里尔市)纯正的犹太血统,由于俄国革命浓重的犹太背景:俄国革命之父普列汉诺夫的夫人罗莎莉(Rosalie)是虔诚的犹太妇女,俄国革命无可争辩的领袖列宁拥有1/8的犹太血统,苏联红军缔造者托洛茨基和十月革命著名领导人斯维尔德洛夫(全俄中央执行委员会主席)、季诺维也夫(共产国际执行委员会主席)、加米涅夫(莫斯科苏维埃主席)、捷尔仁斯基(全俄肃反委员会主席)、季维诺夫(外交人民委员部委员)、乌里茨基(彼得格勒肃反委员会主席)……都是犹太人,由于罗莎卢森堡、梅叶勒夫娜海尔夫曼、安娜库莉赫芙、贝拉库恩、库特艾斯纳等名震欧洲的犹太男女革命家惊人的承受力和殉道者般的牺牲精神,在整个20世纪成为中国和全球激进主义革命精神源泉的历史运动和世界思潮,曾一度被称为“犹太共产主义”、“犹太国际主义”和“犹太布尔什维克主义”。




哪个民族曾经遭受过如此漫长而深重的苦难:从亚述人、马其顿人、巴比伦人、埃及人、迦太基人、波斯人、希腊人、罗马人到十字军东征、欧洲中世纪“黑暗时代”(Dark Ages)、黑死病、腺鼠疫;从意大利梵蒂冈教廷的“隔都”、沙皇俄国的“栅栏区”、莎士比亚的《威尼斯商人》、法国“德雷福斯案”到斯大林的民族放逐和“犹太医生案”、纳粹德国的奥斯威辛、达豪、布痕瓦尔德集中营、毒气室,直到4次中东战争以及几乎整个阿拉伯-伊斯兰世界的环伺与敌视……几乎整个世界都在合谋排斥、驱逐、迫害、虐待、屠杀和灭绝犹太人,这个“上帝的选民”向世界各地流散迁徙的经历,几乎就是数千年里人间灾祸的路线图,以至犹太人发明了4个恐怖的词汇,以音译形式直接进入各国语言:pogrom(排犹)、genocide(灭犹)、holocaust(屠犹)、ghetto(隔都)。这个从荆棘之途、骷髅之地泣血而来的古老民族,至今还在为自己的故土和圣城流血。(写作本文时,“伟大东方伊斯兰突击阵线”刚刚在土耳其伊斯坦堡制造了“和平绿洲”犹太会堂和“以色列之家”连环爆炸案,240多名正在举行安息日仪式的犹太教徒正倒在血泊中呻吟。)








犹太 优太














1 组织学生交流课前自主学习情况。 介绍你所了解的小说时代背景及小说家杰克 ·伦敦的生平事迹。

2 让学生在小组内说说看了课文后的主要印象,然后在全班交流,理清课文的层次。 用简要的语言复述课文主要情节。

3 组织交流、归纳小结


1 引导学生谈谈对主人公这一形象的认识。 抓住人物形象对课文作深入分析并谈自己获得的启示。

2 组织交流、归纳小结

三、语文活动 读写“超链”

1 组织学生深入谈谈课文某一句话或某一段情节,甚至全文的感受,交流后组织写一篇读后感。 学习作者细致入微的描写使课文的语句具有感染力的写作方法,写一篇简短的读后感。

2 组织交流、评价










1 组织学生用一句话介绍你所了解的作者。

2 快速浏览课文,说出作者大概写了多少喜欢,作者喜欢的是哪些事物。从这些喜欢,你可以看出作者有怎样的人生态度 ?读读、思思交流明确

3 组织交流


1 问题探讨:请你根据课文说说作者“触摸到这个多姿多彩的世界”有哪些方式?作为一个有很多缺陷的人,她为什么能享受到多姿多彩的生活? 理解性阅读课文,小组合作学习交流

2 反复诵读文中你喜欢的诗意盎然的句子,谈谈你读后的感受。


1 结合课后探究练习四以“忘我是快乐的”为开头写一段话。 仿写一段话




1 组织学生说说海伦 ·凯勒不向命运屈服,战胜残疾走向成功的非凡经历,引导学生联系现实生活中的人和事,谈谈对人生的启迪。

2学生书面准备后,先在小组内交流。然后推荐代表在全班交流 。











命运对霍金同样十分残酷。17岁时,他考取了著名的牛津大学,21岁时,却患上了萎缩性脊髓侧索硬化症。医生说他至多只能活两年半。就像正要开放的花朵遭到严霜的打击,霍金的人生面临着严重的挑战。如果他在命运面前软弱一下,对自己说“算了,反正一共只有两年半了”,就可能痛苦的生活,平庸的消失。但是,霍金心里想,反正就是一死,命运的能耐再大,最坏也不过如此。他对命运说:“随你的便吧。”他对自己说:“时间只有两年半,不算多,要努力做些有意义的事,让生命留下一点辉煌。” 疾病不断地向他进攻。他的病情渐渐加重,肌肉一天天的萎缩下去,走路越来越不稳,连站也变得困难起来。为了与咄咄逼人的病魔斗争,他努力锻炼。他坚持靠自己的力量上楼。腿的力量弱了,他就用手拉着扶手艰难地走上楼去。








1 组织学生归纳速读课文的方法 归纳、交流

2 指导探讨练习一到三题 小组合作探讨,大组交流



1 指导探讨第四题 学生讨论

2 把从学生中收集的问题返回到学生中去,选择有质量的,小组探讨。 小组合作探讨交流



1 巡视、指导各组的活动 组内交流资料,补缺补漏,整合资料,并确定展示形式,分工写作


1 出示评判标准和要求(主题、内容、语言、结构) 各组交流,评判

2 学生推荐师生互动评判

3 组织优秀作品校园展示


总结方面 获得收益 存在问题













































































This period is about the part—“Grammar Focus” of unit 5. It focuses on passive voice with relevant exercises designed to practice the language point. It is a linking part of the whole unit, and makes students realize the significance of passive voice.

Ⅱ. Teaching Aims:

1. To enable the students to analyze the structure of those passive sentences;

2. To get to know how to change the voice of the sentences.

Ⅲ. Important Teaching Points:

1. To encourage students understand the passive voice in English.

2. To help students apply the passive voice in sentences.

3. To make the students realize difference between active voice and passive voice.Ⅳ. Difficult Teaching Points:

1. How to change the sentence from active voice to passive voice.

2. How to make students utilize the passive voice.

Ⅴ. Teaching Methods:

1. Talking to improve the students’ speaking ability;

2. Situational dialogue to arouse the interest of students;

3. Discussion to make every student work in class.

Ⅵ. Teaching Aids:

1. The multimedia

2. The blackboard

Ⅶ. Teaching Procedures:

Step1 Lead-in

1. Greet the whole class as usual.

T: Class begins! Good morning everyone! Sit down, please! Today, we will come

to learn Unit5, grammar focus, passive voice. Take it easy! Firstly, we will watch a short film from the “Freaky Friday”.

2. Review a short video from the film (Freaky Friday) we have watched.

(1) Ask Students to act the film.

(2) The others talk about what they are doing.

T: can you remember the last four sentences of the video? (Play the slides) And try to imitate these sentences with me, OK? (Practice for 3 times) Now, try to role play in pair. OK, go!

3. Review the passive sentences we have learned in this unit.

(1) Read the passive sentences on the screen.

(2) Try to find out the model of the passive sentences.

Step 2 Grammar learning

1. Structure of passive sentences

T: As we all know, sentences can be divided into passive voice sentences and active voice sentences. What is the similarity of these sentences?

Active voice

(On the blackboard) Voice

Passive voice

T: As we can see, the structure is like “be + v-pp” (write on the blackboard). T: We have just mentioned, “我乘坐机车是不被允许的” how to say?

T: Then,”抽烟是不被允许的”how to say?(play the slide)

T: Let’s see some past participant of some usual v

erbs. There are three types changes of v-pp. (play the slides)

T: The jacket _____ (make) wool. (Play the slides).

A bank _____ (rob) yesterday. (Play the slides).

The rice _____ (grow) in China. (Play the slides).

T: OK, turn to page 36, group4 and group5 read the questions, and group 1/2/3

read the answers. Clear? Are you…ready go!

2. Voice exchange

(1) Simple sentence “刘谦变魔术” how to say?(Play the slide) Then, how to

change it into passive voice?

(2) 4 steps of change the voice of a sentence. (Play the slides)

(3) Many people speak English all over the world. (Demonstrate the 4 steps on

the blackboard)

Step 3 practice

T: Until now, we have learned the way of change the voice of a sentence. Do you know how to do it?

T: According to the four steps, we can rewrite following sentences. And try to finish 4b in groups, OK?

T: OK, let’s check the answer.

T: Let’s do some exercises to apply the passive voice in sentences. (Show them some photos of their everyday activities and give them some help in necessary.) Try to describe the picture by two voices; you can do it in pairs. OK, go!

T: Who would like to share your answer with us? (Point 4-5 pairs)

Step 4 Homework

1. Finish the Section A of the Exercise book;

2. Prepare for the dictation.
































篇10:十一单元教学设计 (人教版英语八年级)

Teaching aims of unit eleve

Ⅰ.Teaching article:(教学课题)

Unit 11 Could you please clean your room ?

II.Teaching aims and demands(教学目的和要求):

1.Knowledge Objects

Learn to ask for permission.and reading and writing practice.

2. Process and method

By listening、speaking、reading、and writing.

3. Emotion and attitude

Training the student’s hobbies of studying.

III. Teaching importance (教学重点)

Learn to ask for permission.

IV.Teaching diffculty(教学难点):

How to Learn to ask for permission.

V. Teaching ways(教学方法):

Revision, learning, practice and reading.

V.Teaching tools(教学工具):

Tape-recorder and Lattern.

VI.Teaching time(教学时间):

Six periods八 年 级 英 语 教 学 设 计


Period Period 1 Main teacher Wang Haiyan

Assistant Song Haixia Class teacher

Content Unit 2 What should I do?

Aims Language and Ability 1. Knowledge Objects Key vocabulary. Target language.

2. Learn to ask for permission.

Process and method To understand the target language by writing、reading.

Emotion and attitude Training the student’s hobbies of studying


Points Learn to use “be born” to ask sb sth

Difficult Points How to use “be born” to ask sb sth

Methods 1.Reading method.

2.Speaking method.

3.Self check method.

Aids 1.A projector.

2.Large chart paper, colored markers. Revision and perfection


Step 1 Leading in

Greetings .

Step 2 Pre-task

Teach the new words and phrases.

Step 3 While-task

SB Page65,1a & 1b.

1、Point to the items and ask someone to read the each one to the class .

2、Play the recording and let Ss fill in the chart .Check the answers .

SB Page 65 , 1c .

1、Point out the sample conversation in activity 1c .

2、Ask two Ss to read it to the class .Have Ss work in pairs .

Step4 Pair work:

1.Point out the conversation in the box in activity 1c. ask two students to read it to the class.

2.Ask the students work with a partner. Make your own conversations about the people in the picture.

3.Then ask several pairs to say their conversations to the class.


Blackboard design Unit 11 Could you please clean your room ?


Could you please …?

Could you … ?”.


Homework Make a conversation using “Could you please …?

Could you … ?”.

Reflection after class

八 年 级 英 语 教 学 设 计


Period Period 2 Main teacher Wang Haiyan

Assistant Son Haixia Class teacher

Content Unit 11 Could you please clean your room ?


Aims Language and Ability 1. Key vocabulary.

2. Target language.

3. Grammar focus.

Process and method To understand the target language by writing、reading

Emotion and attitude Training the student’s hobbies of studing


Points Learn to ask for permission.

Difficult Points Learn to ask for permission.

Methods 1.Reading method.

2.Speaking method.

3.Self check method.

Aids tape , tape-recorder , cards . Revision and perfection


Step 1 Greet the class as usual and check the homework.

Step 2 Post-task

SB Page 66 , 2a & 2b .

1、First point to the chart in activity 2a and get Ss to know what to do ,then play the recording and ask Ss to check “yes” or “no” .

2、Correct the answers .

Do with activity 2b in the same way .

Step 3 Pairwork

SB Page 66 , 2c .

Ss work in pairs , then ask some pairs to act out their conversations .

Step 4 Summary

1.Today we’ve reviewed the key vocabulary and the target of the unit by reading and writing.

2.Grammar focus.

Blackboard design Unit 11 Could you please clean your room ?


Could you please …?

Could you … ?”.


Sorry,I can’t.

Homework Copy the grammar box in your exercise books..

Reflection after class 八 年 级 英 语 教 学 设 计


Period Period 3 Main teacher Wang Haiyan

Assistant Son Haixia Class teacher

Content Unit 11 Could you please clean your room ?


Aims Language and Ability Review vocabulary items.

2. Writing using target language.

Process and method Reading skill. Writing skill.

Emotion and attitude Use list to help with your study.


Points Like or don’t like

Difficult Points Writing using the chores.

Methods Reading 、saying 、listening and writing.

Aids A picture of computer. A tape recorder. Revision and perfection


Step 1 Leading in

Revise the pattern : Could you please … ? Could you … ?

Step 2 Pre-task

SB Page 66 , Grmmar focus .

1、Ask Ss to say the questions and answers .

2、Explain :the questions use the word could and the answers use the words can and can’t .

Step 3 While-task

SB Page 67 , 3a .

1、Read the conversation to class with a student .

2、ay blank every time you come to a blank .

3、Ask Ss to fill in each blank with the work make or do .

4、Correct the answers .

SB Page 67 , 3b .

1、Ask two Ss to read the sample phrases .

2、Say ,Now write a list of chores you have to do ,you can use the list of chores in 1a .

3、Ask a student to say the name of a chore .

4、Then ask another student to say I like or I don’t like .Then ask a third student to give a reason .

Step 4 Post-task

SB Page 67 , Part 4 .

1、In groups of five , give each group a set of blank cards .

2、Ask Ss in each group to write one core onto a card .In turns ,.

3、one student turns over a card and asks the person next to him to do the chore , that person must say no and give a reason .

Blackboard design Unit 11 Could you please clean your room ?


I like doing sth.

I don’t like doing sth.

Homework Make two conversations after the conversation in 3a..

Reflection after class

八 年 级 英 语 教 学 设 计


Period Period 4 Main teacher Wang Haiyan

Assistant Son Haixia Class teacher

Content Unit 11 Could you please clean your room ?

Section B(1a---1c)

Aims Language and Ability 1. Key vocabulary.

2. Target language.

3. Oral practice.

Process and method To understand the target language by writing、reading.

Emotion and attitude Prepare for the next class game.


Points 1. Key vocabulary.

2. Target language.

Difficult Points Could you take out the trash?

Yes, sure.

Methods Listening and speaking methods. Communicative approach.

Pair work.

Aids A current wall calendar. A tape recorder. Revision and perfection


Step 1 Leading in

Ask some Ss with questions :Could you please … ? Could you … ?

Step 2 Pre-task

SB Page 68 ,1a .

1、Say , Look at the items on the list .

2、ask Ss to complete the writing on their own .

3、Correct the answers .

Step 3 While-task

SB Page 68, 1b .

1、Read the instructions and point out the sample conversation.

2、Ask Ss to work with a partner and make their own conversations about the items in activity 1a .

3、Call several pairs to say one or more of their conversations to the class .

SB Page 68, 2a & 2b .

1、Read the instructions and have Ss know what to do .Play the recording and ask Ss to write their answer on their own .

2、Ask two Ss to write their answers on the Bb .

Correct the answers.

Step 4 pairwork.

SB Page 68, 2c .

1、Point out the sample conversation and ask two Ss to read it to the class .

2、Then point to the phrases in the box .Ask Ss to ask and answer with a partner .

3、Ask several pairs to say their questions and answers to the class .Correct any incorrect questions or answers .

Blackboard design Unit 11 Could you please clean your room ?

Section B(1a---1c)

Could you take out the trash?

Yes, sure.

Homework Make some sample conversations.

Reflection after class

八 年 级 英 语 教 学 设 计


Period Period 5 Main teacher Wang Haiyan

Assistant Son Haixia Class teacher

Content Unit 11 Could you please clean your room ?


Aims Language and Ability 1. Review key words and target language of the unit.

2. Reading and writing practice.

Process and method Reading and writing skills.

Emotion and attitude Ask him or her for help.


Points take care of ,feed ,mine ,weren’t=were not

Write an e-mail message to a friend .

Difficult Points How to write an e-mail message to a friend .

Methods Reading and writing methods.

Aids A projector. Revision and perfection


Step 1 Leading in

Ask Ss to translate some Chinese phrases .

Step 2 Pre-task

SB Page 69 , 3a .

1、Read the instructions and have Ss know what to do .

2、Ask Ss to read the letter on their own and complete the chart .

3、Ask two Ss to write their answers on the Bb .

Correct the answers .

Step 3 While-task

SB Page 69 , 3b .

1、Ask a student to read the beginning of the e-mail message.

2、Have Ss finish the message .Tell them they can look at the

3、Chart in activity 2b for ideas .

4、Ask some Ss to read their message to the class.

SB Page 69 , 3c .

Ask Ss to finish the e-mail message on their own and call some Ss to read their messages to the class .

Step 4 Post-task

SB Page 69 , Part 4 .

1、Point out the sample conversation and read the instructions to have Ss know what to do .

2、Divide Ss into groups of three and ask them to make conversations .

3、Ask several groups to say their conversations to the class .

Step 5 Summary

Today we’ve learned the key vocabulary and the target of the unit by reading and writing.

Blackboard designUnit 11 Could you please clean your room ?


take care of ,feed ,mine ,weren’t=were not

Homework Finish the selfcheck

Reflection after class



本节课以“谈论自己和他人的变化”为话题,让学生学会描述自己和他人在外貌﹑性格等方面的变化。并让学生学会使用used to结构来表示过去经常存在的习惯或状态而现在已不存在的习惯或状态。

在教学中,我先采用的.是“What do you look like?”及“What do eshe/she look like?”这两个句型去描述人的外貌及性格,从而对前面知识也是一个复习的过程。然后向学生出示一些新旧照片进行对比,导出本节课的重点“used to”句型。首先,通过用实物导出“usedto”句型,让学生明白这一句型的含义,在懂得此含义之后,试图找几位较好的学生作示范,让他们来带动其他学生,从而达到大部分学生的理解和运用,接下来通过听力来加深学生对“used to”句型的印象,让学生团结协作完成对话,来巩固这一句型,最后让学生明白人是在不断变化的。

在整堂教学中,我发觉学生的兴趣浓厚,通过复习﹑图片导入,学生对人的外貌性格这一变化产生浓厚的兴趣,大部分学生通过自身和周围人的变化来谈论,很乐意的去学。在课堂练习中我发现学生对used to do或used to be两者混为一团,我想可能在讲解﹑分析时不够透彻,应该再通过小黑板出示相应的习题加以巩固,如果能让学生再欣赏一首歌曲《Yesterday on cemore》的话,相信课堂氛围、教学效果会更佳。

篇12:孔乙己第二课时 教案教学设计(人教版九年级下册)

课题 孔乙己2 设计

使用者 课型 新授 使用日期





导学 探究



姓名 籍贯

年龄 出生年月

学历 身体状况

特长 工作单位

家庭成员 主要工作成就

工作生活经历 主要社会关系

主要优点 主要缺点



























[孔乙己第二课时 教案教学设计(人教版九年级下册)]





















































篇14:九年级上册第二单元教案(北师大九年级必修) 教案教学设计

九年级上册第二单元教案(北师大九年级必修) 教案教学设计




























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